The club Sweat pea has a running day

The club Sweet Pea loco, Chatsworth, which is on loan from Mrs Jackson, the widow of the builder, has been subject to some controversy of late – is it suitable as a club loco?

Over the past year we have been trying to make it run well and were on the point of giving up. These photos reveal the awful truth – it can actually run reasonably well; so much so, in fact, that it was rumoured that we had to use a crowbar to get Barrie Purslow out of the driving seat! And, he is a qualified driver of Duchesses!!!

These are just a few shots taken today (30th August, 2006) to prove that it does go.


Saturday, 21st October, 2006
Chatsworth out on its first real working outing. This was at Quarry Bank Mill, Styal, where we were taking part in a Model Engineering exhibition. We took our portable track along and gave rides outside the mill. Chatsworth ran all day Saturday with no problems.


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